Aquincum was not a small city though especially it was a military city because of its location: you can find it at the Danube Bend, totally at the shore of the River Danube. It’s a dangerous place, the end of the Imperium Romanum, the border, what the Romans called Limes (the terrestrial border of the Empire) or Ripa (means riverside border) Pannonica. On the other side of the Danube Celtic, German and Asian tribes inhabits, they are is a permanent move, so peace is az unknown concept here. This is the border, buffer zone of culures.
The city of Aquincum was founded in the 1st century AC and was the capital city of Pannonia Inferior up to the 4th century. It was built on a Celtic settlement, so the Celts lived among the Romans and somehow they became Roamized: they learned the language and learned the customs, but the Romans integrated much of the Celtic religion, too. See the location of Aquincum in Pannonia Provincia!
map of Pannonia Provincia (source here)
And this city has somehow two amhitheatres! Let’s start with the bigger one! It’s called the „military amphitheatre”. Its location is in Budapest, Pacsirtamező Street and Nagyszombat street. You can see it on the google map, looks georgeus! Renovated and visitable, an open-air exhibition with free entry. I love this place, I spend there so many times (just reading or watching the dogs).
This was built into stone by the Emperor Antoninus Pius about 145 AC by the contribution of the Legio II Adiutrix. This amphitheatre was able to accept 10-13 thousand spectators, so really a large one! First excavation was in 1932 by Tibor Nagy. In the earlier times it was built-in and called Király domb or Csiga domb (means King hill or Snail Hill). In addition to military practice gladiatorial games were held there, too. Norhern Gate were found, it is called Porta Libitinae, the Gates of the Death. That means that the dead body of the losing fighter was delivered across this gate, symbolized the Death. But there is a gate for the winners, called Porta triumphalis! Many animal huntigs were held here too. Maybe not elephants or lions or the beautiful beasts of Africa Provincia, but the local beasts like wild boar or bears.
According to Bonfini, the famous historian, they thought that this amphitheatre was somehow the Fortress of Attila, the Hun. This belief lasted a long time, in some contemporary writings you can also find its traces. No, we don't know where was the fort of this legendary King, Warrior! There are many who thinks they know it for sure, but they are still theories.
Nowdays it is a place for dogs, and some times our Hungarian gladiator society exercises there (they are the Collegium Gladiatorum). See this amphitheatre on pictures!
and the location of the military amphitheatre in Budapest |
The second one is a bit smaller but not less fascinating, called the civic city amphitheatre. That is located outside the military zone of Aquincum, that is the "real" amphitheatre for the public, for people who wanted to see the famous gladiators, the superstars of the Ancient Rome! You can fint it in Budapest at the location of Szentendrei Street and Zsófia Street. Visitable and free to enter, a nice place. It was able to incrporate 6-7000 people. But not only gladiatorial attacs were held here, but many festivals, sports competition, political assemblies and when the emperor came here for a visit, large and endless speeches. So if you are not a fan of bloody gladiatorial combat, you can still love amphitheatres because of the joyful festivals like Folralia.
Some privileged has its own place: a few of the seats have an engraved name. So we know for sure that Valerius Iulianus and Aelius Quintus have a private seat to see the games. And nex to men a lady took her place here: Gaia Valeria Nonia! See the civil amphitheatre on pictures!
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the digital reconstruction of the amphitheatre |
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the amphitheatre on an old postcard, how it lookd before the renovation |
locations of the amphitheatres in Budapest |
were so popular across the whole Empire, Aquincum is no exception.
Some gladiatorial objects were found here. First the gilded silver
fibula with the fighting gladiators, and a knife carved from antler
(or bone) showing a secutor and a candlelight with gladiatorial motifs.
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