Have you ever imagined what would it like to be living in Ancient times? I wondered it several times. I imagine that so many things would be better. I could read all the ancient writings which are now lost, I could explore all the beauties of the past (surely I imagine myself NOT as a slave, but a free human being) and maybe I could listen to some ancient philosophy. All these would be great, but not for a woman. But put this question away, we are on an imaginary time-travelling! So would it be a nice trip! I would say yes. And I think it over.
jumping bunny-fibula from Kaposvár
Modern life have so many advantages. For example the underwear. They are comfortable. I can't imagine a life without them. Elastic textiles. Well-tailored clothes. Clean and fragnant clothes every day. Or twice a day if you want. Yes, we are at the topic of clothing! A loin-cloth looks great on a picture but wonder if it’s comfortable to wear! I think no. The first Roman clothing that comes to mind is toga. An enormous white sheet, seamless, no buttons, no ribbons to fix it. And that is the situation with most of the ancient clothes!
Famous Roman ornament called fibula: it is a richly ornamented safety pin. But this was no invention of our beloved Romans: it was a well-known supplementary in the Copper Ange, Iron Age and Bronze Age, too. The Celts used the fibula with pleasure. And German tribes too. But it was brought into fashion by the Romans. So you’ve got great sheets, colorful textiles, but you have to fix it on your body somehow!
Fibula is a popular kind of textile-fixing accessory, even the poorer can afford it. But fibula and fibula is not the same. If you are a noble, rich person, your fibula advances to be a jewel. Richly ornamented artworks were found throughout the whole Empire. It became an indicator to the archaeologists: they can tell so many informations seeing a fibula.
What about the poorer? Surely they used this ancient safety-pin too! But in totally different implementing. It was not the subject that distinguished the poor or rich fibula: raw material and workmanship. An artistic fibula was jewelry in itself, not just an important part of the wear. It could made of gold and ornated with gemstones. Or it could be made of bronze or iron. Animal motifs were popular. Like rabbits. So the bunny-fibula is not the only founding from this area!
the city of Kaposvár in Hungary
Both artworks were found in Kaposvár, Hungary. In this area the foundings are frequent, it was a continuously inhabited settlement. So it can be Celtic, too. These two bunny-fibulae are not special masterpieces, there are no gemstones to make the fibulae elegant. They are simple clothing accessories, but I think they were very important to their owners. Lovely properites for someone from the past. So do you still want to go back to the ancient times without underwear?
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