Celtic and non-Celtic tribes in Middle Europe

 Aestii – Baltic tribe, realted to the Germans, according to Tactius they spoke some kind of British language.

Agathyrsoi – Iranian originated tribe, according to Herodotus their habits are similar to the Thraci. Their settlement was in the contemporary Bánát and Transylvania.

Amantini – a Celtic originated tribe located Northeast from the Danube, the rocky parts of Hungary and Slovakia.

Araviscii – same as Eravisci

Arverni – One of the most important tribes of Middle-Gallia (Auvergne), ruled in hegemony over the Celts in that area.

Autariatai, Autariatae – Illyr tribe, until the Celtic invasion they were the most poweful tribe in the Middle-Balkan. 5Th century BC they chased the Triballi tribes from the location of the Morava valley.

Azali – Pannon tribe at the Northeast part of Transdanubia, between the Boii and Eravisci.

Bastarnae – Name of a mixed tribe living in Moldavia and in the region of the Lower Danube in the 3rd century BC. The Celtic tribes merged with the native Getai, later with Germani.

Belgae – Collective name for the Celts living at the time of Caesar in Northern France and Belgium. Some of them moved to the British Isles at the end of the La Téne age.

Belgites – Celtic tribe living in the location of Pannonia in the Roman Age. Their settlements are not yet located.

Bituriges – A very important Celtic tribe in the area of Middle-Gallia, between the river Loire and Garonne. The centre of the tribe was Avaricum (Bourges).

Boioi, Boii – A huge Celtic tribe, appeared in different points of Europe such as in Northern Italy (Bologna location) and the Carpathian Basin. The Czech Republic is named after them (Bohemia). Some of them are settled by Caesar at the Haedui.

Breuci – A significant Pannon tribe.

Camunni – Mountain tribe, probably originated from the Rhaeti. Their location was the upper part of the Ogila valley. Their name remained in Val Camonica, where the rock drawings are dated from the Neolithic age up to the Roman times.

Carnutes – Celtic tribe from Gallia, lived between the river Loire and Seine.

Cotini, Kotensioi – Celtic tribe living Northeast from the Danube at the moutainous parts of Hungary and Slovakia between the tribes Osi and Amantini. Later came under the rule of the Daci.

Daci – A tirbe related to the Getai, they lived in the region of Bánát, Olténia and later Transylvania.

Dalmatae, Delmatae – Related to the Illyrii, located at the region of the Adrian Sea.

Dardanoi, Dardani – The tribe is related to the Thraci, Northern neighbours of Macedonia.

Dentheletae, Denthaletai – Thraician originated tribe, living at the location of the River Struma (Strymón), now Bulgaria.

Eravisci – Celtic tribe in Northeast Pannonia. Their location was the Gellért Hill.

Germani – Northern neighbours of the Celts. They became known for the written history because of the migration of the Cimmerii.

Getai, Getae – Important Indo-European tribe living at the location of the Lower Danube and the Balkan peninsula, related to the Thraci.

Haedui, Aedui – Middle-Gallia (Morvan és Bourgogne) most important Celtic tribe. Their main city was Bibracte (Mont Beurvay).

Helvetii – Celtic tribe in Middle-Switzerland. Their Western migration opened the Gallic War which ended with the victory of Caesar.

Hercuniates – Celtic tribe at the Southern part of Transdanubia.

Iazyges – Tribe realted to Sarmatae.

Illyrioi, Illyrii – Inodo-European tribe, they lived at the Dalmatian cost of the Adriatic Sea and the location of Croatia.

Japodes – Illyr originated tribe, they lived at the Northwest part of the Balkan peninsula. There they mixed with the Celts and the Veneti.

Cimbri – German tribe from Jutland (Denmark). During their migration they crossed the Danube and the region of the Middle-Danube (114 BC).

Kimmerioi, Cimmerii – Not very well known tribe, perheaps with Indo- Iranian origins, equestrian people. They attacked Assiria and Anatolia because of the chasing of the Skytai. Maybe some smaller tribes reached Middle-Europe.

Latobici – Celtic tribe, neighbours of the Helvetii. The Helvetii lost battle at Gallia, so they settled down in Southwest Pannonia.

Marcomanni – German tribe, one of the coalition ruled by Ariovistus, which was defeated by Caesar in 58 BC. Sometime at the ealy years AC they occupied the land of the Boii called Boihaeum.

Moesi/Mysoi – A tribe realted to the Tharci in East Siberia.

Nemetes – Probably German originated tribe. They settled down next to the Helvetii in the 1st century.

Osi – Celtic tribe who lived opposite the Eravisci, on the other side of the Danube Bend.

Pannonii – A tribe related to the Illyri, their location was the area of the River Drava and Sava and a territory south from this area.

Rauraci – Celtic tribe, neighbours of the Helvetii at the area of Augusta Raurica.

Rhaeti – Tribes of the Middle-Alps, whom the Romans considered to be Etruscan. Linguistics does not confirm this, but the Rhaeti writing is perheaps originated from the Etruscan alphabet.

Scordisci, Skordiskoi, Skordistai – Celtic tribe who settled in the Danube area after the great Balkan migration. In the 3rd and 2nd century  BC they were so powerful.

Senones – A tribe from Middle-Gallia (Sens area), one of their clans occupied the Italian Picenum.

Suevi/Suebi – Signific German tribe, lived on the East part of the River Elba, later settled in the Rhein and Danube region.

Sigynnoi – Iranian tribe, they settled in Hungary at the Great Plain (Alföld).

Sarmatae – Iranian originated people. They occupied the territories of the Scyhtians in the 3rd century BC. A Sarmatan tribe, the Iazyges settled down between the river Danube and Theis (Tisza).

Skythai, Scythae – Iranian originated people, nomads, living in the area of the Black Sea.

Taurini – Celtic originated tribe in Piemont, perheaps from the Teurisci.

Turisci – Collective name for the Celts and non-Celtic tribes living on the Western and Eastern region of the Alps.

Tectosages – A Celtic tribe, probably a branch of the Volcae. Fragments of the tribe lived in the Forrest of Hercynia, Southeast Pannonia and Tolosa.

Teurisci – Living in the Northwest part of Romania, Celtic tribe.

Thrakoi, Thraci – Indo-European tribe who lived in the Eastern side of the Balkan peninsula, and between the Aigeian Sea and Propontis.

Tolistoagi, Tolistobogi, Tolistoboii – One tribe of the Celts settled in Middle-Anatolia, Galatia.

Triballoi, Triballi – Probably Thracian originated tribe. In the 5th century BC the lived in East Siberia and Nort Bulgaria.

Trokmoi/Trocmi – A Celtic tribe in Middle-Anatolia, Galatia.

Tulingi – Celtic originated tribe, neighbours of the Helvetii.

Tyleni – Celtic Kingdom in Thracia (Tylis, Tylé) and its inhabitants.

Enetoi, Veneti – 1. Celtic tribe living in the Southern part of the Armorica peninsula 2. non-Celtic Indo-European people living in Slovenia and Austria.

Volcae – Celtic inhabitants of Gallia Narbonnensis. They have two branches: the volcae tectosages and the volcae arecomici.

Celtic coins found in the area of Hungary
