What is a good bath in Roman style?

   First of all, if you want to enjoy the REAL Roman bath, you must find one. Modern bath-culture is so different from the ancient style, so for the best choice we have to go back to the past. A little time-travelling to the Roman Ages!

  So to choose a bath, you can decide to go to a public bath or visit somebody's private bath. If you are in the city of Aquincum, my suggestion is the Thermae Maiores. Originally was built for a military bath, but later it was opened for the public. So let's visit the Big Bath Complex, the Thermae Maiores!

at the first excavation this was the model-reconstruction of the bath

the imaginary reconstruction of the bath

the footplan of the bath, what you can see in the Bath Museum

  Visiting a bath, you will need some accessories, like the shower gel and towel nowdays. The most important if you are on a time-traveller bathing, is the BALSAMARIUM. A little ornated bottle, which contains the fines oil to pure your skin. In contrast to beliefs, oil will not fat your skin, but helps to take off dirt. Apply the oil, wait a few seconds, and then use a blurred knife to scrape away the superplus oil. A hard rub and a fine massage before the scrape and you are all ready!

reconstructed bathig accessories from the Aquincum Museum, this is the balsamarium

  You will need a little bowl to pour water on your body. In Aquincum there are many thermal baths which are rich in minerals, so this city is full of spas - bathing is not just an act to purify yourself, but also heals! The modern city of Budapest, built on the Roman Aquincum also kept this advantage: the city is full of spas. So if you are a contemporary traveller, don't miss the healing water, that the Romans also enjoyed!

you can choose other ornated oil containers, too

  You can also bring a little sponge with you to refresh your skin with the rub. In Aquincum there aren't any seas near and far, so for the perfect sea-sponge you have to visit the market. In Aquincum you can find a huge market where you can shop all the goodies which are available in the whole Empire. So buy a sponge and eat lunch in the market, not far from the bath!

reconstructed STRIGILIS found in Aquincum

reconstructed goodies what you need for a bath - all from Aquincum

    Still my favourite are the slippers: absolutely like the modern flip-flops! And what else do you need? Some slaves to do the massage... Enjoy the life of a Roman citizen!
