Until now, it seemed that the earliest elements of the road network of the Kingdom of Hungary were aligned with the roads of Roman Pannonia, even the conquest leaders established their headquarters in connection with the Roman forts, which its accessibility was provided by the roads of the Roman era. The medieval secular and ecclesiastical centers were established on the former Roman cities or military camps in the province Pannonia (for example the archdiocese of Esztergom, the Bishopric of Győr). So it was also believed, that not just the buildings and settlements were in permanent use, but also the roads that connected the Roman settlements. The change arrived only in the 13th century, when the whole structure of the Hungarian Kingdom has changed: all the commercial centers and the settlement network changed, so the former centers were no longer important. From then on new Medial Roads appeared.
There are a lot of differences between the Roman and Medieval Roads. Roman Roads were constructed by engineers and they constructed the roads fit in its environment. In contrast the Medieval roads were constructed to fit to the weather and have to been built in the cheapest and fastest way. Although many parts of the Roman Roads are not visible nowdays, the huge landscaping is still recognizable.
Main roads in Western Hungary (this was part of the Roman Empire as Pannonia Provincia, not the whole territory of the contemporary Hungary) from Lajos Gasler.
1 -main Medieval roads
2 - roads before the Tatar invasion
3 - roads that were in use at both ages
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