Mappy Things

   Here is a collection of maps, because they are really important and useful things...and even fun! Some of them are ‘real’ maps, some of them are imaginary, some of them visualizes information and some of them are pure entertain. Enjoy them and come back from time to time, I expand the collection! The world ‘mappy’ is from a friend whom I met on Twitter. I love this world and I like to use it.

imaginary maps of Aquincum
imaginary landscape of Aquincum, what a bird could see

Celtic oppidum-culture in the Carpathian Basin

Roman Roads in metro-style


Map of the Roads of the Roman Empire. Naturally not a scientific map, just an aesthetic picture to enjoy the greatness of the beloved Roman Empire.


Macedonia, Thracia and Moesia Provincia. Found in a book. Sometime. Somewhere.


Map to the Underworld - this is the place, where you should not get lost! Great map for literary trips!

The world according to the Ancient Greeks (just a funny map, don't take it seriously):

The world according to the Celts:
The world according to the Romans:
